Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Flashmobbers' Ignorance

Someone, probably m0nty, the organizer of Auckland's flashmob, had a problem with setting up the website. Visitors have clicked on the link to send him their mobile number and have sent it to the entire mailing list. Now responses are appearing on the list, along with some mobile phone numbers.

I have all these e-mails coming through to me. The e-mails are addressed, this is not me???

Is she used to mailing lists at all?

For some reason my mobile number has gone out to all of you, i'm not sure why. Can you please disregard this and stop calling. I think this is someones idea of a strange flashmob, very funny but i need to do some work now.

Flashmobbers aren't savvy enough to realize that she didn't want people ringing. Anyway, why would you ring an anonymous cellphone at peak hours? You're paying for it (or shafting the boss with the call cost). If they are going to do that then I should organize a mob to send me micropayments.

can you please tell me what's going on? Why am I getting all these e-mails?

You signed up to be part of the collective.

Why are emails being sent out to everyone???????

I thought this would be obvious

can we stop it somehow ??

Um, No! Only the website owner can

This is not good

Are you sure?

Ok, obviously the signup form on the website isn't working, which means each person who signs up is sending their mobile number to all recipients of the email list.

If everyone stops emailing asking to be removed etc, then the emails will stop arriving.

Please stop replying to

Someone with a few clues at last, pity he was ignored

There must be one person who has set up the site who can fix it!!???

Yep! Unfortunately he's not reading his email at the moment.

just thought you'd like to know..

for some reason i got sent one of your "my cellphone number is.." emails..
i have no idea why, as in the header it was clearly addressed to your email addy, not mine.
very odd.

This was after a lot of messages had been sent. I guess she doesn't skim the contents of her in box before processing each email.

I really do need to get some work done guys.....this is getting ridiculous!!

Is your delete key broken? There was only a couple of dozen messages at this time. Do you have to read your email as soon as it arrives? Why not try ignoring all messages from

in fact i have just started receiving a whole lot of your emails!
what is going on??

umm i don't even have anything to do with flashmob, except for sending my cellphone number from this email addy to the wellington flashmob email addy.

it's not an inconvenience for me, but is quite a serious problem for you methinks..

This wasn't her first message. It seems she ignored the fact that she got a copy of her own message earlier