Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Garden Design Plans

I need to redesign my garden, but, like so many people , I need to do it in small sections. I have to replace some pittisporum trees with a trellis that will serve as a backdrop to some roses, provide provacy from my neighbour, and not encroach onto a carpark.

I also want to extend my patio and pave a larger area of my yard, incorporating a permanent barbecue, and seating against the hedge. I'm looking at replacing the grass in this area with patches of groundcover plants that can take a light amount of foot traffic.

I need to put up a clothesline even though Auckland weather is hostile to clotheslines. Occasionally I want, or need, to hang something out to dry and not use the dryer. I've selected a line that can fold flat against the fence when not in use. It will go around the corner from the patio extensions and have paved access. There's a couple of gardens I want to put into that area but as yet I have not descided on the plants.

Bamboo is a menace I have to deal with, coming underground fom the disgraceful overgrown neighbouring property. I cannot progress on the shaded garden outside my kitchen until I have created a concrete barrier in a trench against the fence.