Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Monday, September 29, 2003

What kind of thinker are you?

I am a Linguistic Thinker and a Logical-Mathematical Thinker.

Linguistic thinkers:
Tend to think in words, and like to use language to express complex ideas.
Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

Other Linguistic Thinkers include:
William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Anne Frank

Careers which suit Linguistic thinkers include:
Journalist, Librarian, Salesperson, Proof-reader, Translator, Poet, Lyricist

Logical-Mathematical thinkers:
Like to understand patterns and relationships between objects or actions
Try to understand the world in terms of causes and effects
Are good at thinking critically, and solving problems creatively

Other Logical-Mathematical Thinkers include:
Isaac Newton, Archimedes, Albert Einstein

Careers which suit Logical-Mathematical thinkers include:
Physicist, Chemist, Biologist, Lawyer, Computer programmer, Engineer, Inventor

This is from the BBC Quiz