Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

NZ women wary of beards

More than two thirds of New Zealand men are clean shaven. The results of a survey by a razor manufacturer says NZ women wary of beards.

Gillette business manager Andrea Spearman said the company's survey showed 62 per cent of women polled liked men who were clean shaven, followed by the 'soul patch' (a tuft of hair under the lower lip), which was favoured by nearly 17 per cent of women.

I suspect the soul patch is liked by younger women.

The enjoyment of kissing a man with a smooth face and a well-groomed appearance were the main reasons women like the clean shaven look.

Personally I like a well-groomed goatee.

Some women also said clean shaven men looked younger and more honest.

I know I look younger when clean shaven. Hopefully I look honest with my goatee.

'Having a face free of fuzz is more popular among 30 to 39-year-olds and the style that just won't go away, the goatee, does tend to be worn more by youth, mainly 18 to 29 year olds'.

Does that make me mutton dressed as lamb? ;-)

Older men were moustache fans, with 18 per cent aged between 50 and 59 years wearing one.

Popular in the 70s, some people just stayed with it. (I was one for many years.)