Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Bad start to the day

Had trouble getting to sleep last night.

Jack, my cat, woke me at 4:50am, batting at a moth or something in the window by my head.

Wanted to get more sleep but the alarm kept going off again after hitting the snooze button.

While biking to work I had a maniac is a car accelerate past me too closely.

The front derailleur snapped just as I accelerated over Symonds Street bridge. I think I have a spare at home but I'm not sure.

Had someone ask me why I was wearing different shoes. I looked down on my right foot and saw I had my regular sneakers on, instead of my cycling sneakers. Looked again and saw my left foot had one of cycling sneakers on.

Hopefully the day will improve and lift my spirits.