Janet Jackson Breast Cupcakes
The Amateur Gourmet makes Janet Jackson Breast Cupcakes.
Katy," I said. "It's Adam."
"Hi Adam," she replied.
"I am making Janet Jackson breast cupcakes."
"How do I do this?" I begged. Katy knows a lot about cooking and Katy has breasts.
"Let me think about it and e-mail you."
Soon after I received the following advice:
I think you should do a whipped cream chocolate icing (rather than buttercream or ganache or something) because it's lighter in color. Janet is a little more latte than bittersweet, I'd say. You could flavor the icing with coffee, actually, and that would be yummy! Mmmmm.
Genius! I went to my Nigella Lawson "How To Be A Domestic Goddess" cookbook and found her recipe for Cappucino cupcakes. The frosting was a white chocolate / sour cream frosting, but I could distribute the cocoa at my discretion and achieve the perfect Janet Jackson skin tone.
It appears that CNN was impressed with the concept and are intending to interview him.