Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Sob story, or why I don't trust the media

In an article titled Vincent is losing his backyard playground INL uses emotional terms. Basically the woman's landlord is subdividing the property. My reaction would be different if she owned the property and the government was taking half without suitable recompense, but in this situation the owner is doing what they want, and are permitted to, to their property. So what if this time the landlord is a government department? So what if she is angry with her government landlord? If she doesn't like the property then she should look for another rental property to live in. The corporation is looking at making better use of the land in order to meet the high demand for housing those in need. What does the woman expect to do with 7200 people on a waiting list for a HNZC property? Perhaps her attitude is one of "I've got a place, I don't care about you." How much rent is she paying anyway? If they won't reduce the rent then is she paying less rent than the property is worth? (Did Labour reintroduce cheap rents in HNZC properties or is it still set to market rates?) Or is the amount the rent would decrease matched with the general rent review increase? She complains she has had no say in the matter? What say does she have, apart from being a NIMBY. (Not In My Back Yard.) As for the unhelpful communication she has had from HNZC, is the problem that she didn't get told by HNZC and found out in another manner? If so, then she has a right to be annoyed, but "incredibly angry"?

INL has presented the news is a way that plays on emotions and not logic. Why? To sell more papers I guess. Dammit! I want the news reported, so I can decide how I feel about it, not to have the news reported for to manipulate emotions or for entertainment.