Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Guilty Pleasures

I bought three cookbooks this evening; and a decorating book. I needed to get my bonus card ($68 for six films) and tickets for Out Takes 2004. I parked in the bottom level of The Civic car park, passed through Borders as it has an entrance on that level, noticed some interesting specials, got the bonus card and three tickets from Village on Queen, walked over to the Academy on Lorn Street and got two tickets there (the sixth movie has two times so I need to co-ordinate with a friend as to which showing we'll see), visited the library and borrowed five books, returned to Borders and spent too much time browsing. I avoided some sections as they can be too tempting but still ended up buying Pasta, by Jeni Wright; The Complete Book of Party Food and Appetizers, by Bridget Jones (so that's what she's doing now she's finished her diary); Sauces and Salsas, by Christine France; and 600 Decorating Tips and Finishing Touches, by Tessa Evelegh (how gay is that?); none of which I can find at Amazon and all for a grand total of $54 (1536 pages).