Thursday, July 22, 2004
I like RSS and I really appreciate sites using it. I can keep up to date easier with sites providing a feed. Business Logs writes about the Fear of RSS demonstrated by some sites. I use Bloglines to keep up to date with most of my online reading and can do so from different machines. It does mean I don't read the comments, unless I know the site is one where the comments are worth going to. Many of the sites in my blogroll are only there as a courtesy, to let the owner know I'm reading their material. If you can provide a feed then you should do so, unless you consider the appearance of your site more important than the content.
Knight of Shadows
Ephermeral marks left after traversing the web.
Queer Eye for the Dead Guy
Hawking was wrong
Go outside and enjoy the sunshine
Not so deep
Enhancements, yeah right
Work in progress
Downloading the internet