
Shadow Footprints

Wanderings in Virtu and Verity.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


I'm able to put some weight on my foot now, and can get by with one crutch at times. This makes it easier for me to carry things a short distance.

I've got a straight friend, M, staying for a few days, so I'm making the most of having a driver. We went to the mall yesterday morning. First stop was Camera House to confirm the details of the replacement camera, and possible upgrade. A stop for coffee was needed after that. A trip to the supermarket in the mall followed. So helpful to have someone to carry things. I needed to sit down so I left M to pay. I kept things quiet for the rest of the day.

Left-overs for dinner last night (thanks Lin and Simon). Then it was off to Open Late Cafe for a coffee, a drink at Surrender Dorothy, met Alex and Bobby, a friend of theirs whose name I can't recall, and an American tourist from Miami here for about three days. The tourist took advantage of cheap flight to Sydney and included Auckland as an afterthought.

Alex and Bobby gave me a ride to Hydrant while the others walked. Using crutches to get up stairs wasn't too hard, even after a few drinks. Coming down again was more of a challenge. I'd already figured out I wasn't the tourist's type, he is into the Muscle Mary type, a term he'd never heard of but will use now as it identified his type so easily. I also caught up with Ron, someone I'd lost contact with and he'd lost my contact details when he lost his phone in Fiji. He said he came out to his family four months ago, and while there's been some problems he seems to be enjoying life.

After that was a trip to Urge , which was having a slow night, and after one drink it was time for me to call it a night. M picked up his car and collected me. It was too far for me to walk back there.